

Technology-driven full stack ( front end preference ) developer with over 10 years of experience in web development. Highly skilled in problem-solving; adaptable to new technologies and resourceful in finding innovative solutions. Fully experienced in the software development lifecycle to support the development, configuration, modification and testing of integrated business & enterprise application solutions. Excels in collaborating with cross-functional teams to drive the development process forward and achieve business objectives.

Professional Experience

Jan 2021 - Dec 2022

DYL Sr. Frontend Developer

Focused on delivering a client side app for a saas CRM system. Specifically:

  • Built out a node proxy to communicate with several microservices which were implemented using Go & PostGres.
  • Built out a React/redux front end
  • Oversaw updates on the company website that utilized WP as a headless CMS.

React Redux ExpressJS Redis Postgres Storybook Go GitLab GCP Kubernetes Agile SemanticUI Wordpress

Mar 2017 - Dec 2021

20TH Century Studios / Disney Sr Frontend Developer

Focused on frontend development and deployment for a variety of Disney entertainment sites as well as creating enhancements for a custom designed CMS. Responsibilities included:

  • Development & maintenance for Disney's proprietary CMS platform which serves 1000+ sites and apps.
  • Streamlining the migration of 20th Century Studios(20thCS) properties to Disney's framework.
  • Under 20thCS, responsible for the unification of the theatrical & home entertainment portals into a single CMS driven entity.
  • Worked as part of an in-house agency for a variety of internal clients.
  • Refactored vendor sites utilizing OneTrust integration (javascript) for GDPR Compliance of international (EU) websites.

javascript node Vue.js React Ruby/RoR php(Laravel) redis HTML5 CSS(less & sass) Akama'i media player AWS(S3 & Cognito) Contentful GA GTM Segment Krux Adobe Audience LoginRadius Github Jenkin

Nov 2014 - Sept 2016

TVGla Sr Frontend Developer (Contractor)

  • Integrated the redesigned site into a CMS(Percussion) system.
  • Efficiently implemented custom javascript code to connect several custom APIs which provided login, stats, analytic, and delivered dynamic content that could not be delivered by the chosen CMS.
  • Delivered client epks on tight deadlines

javascript TWBS Foundation Angular Wordpress, ExpressionEngine React Symphony (php) AWS GitLab

May 2014 - Oct 2014

Trailer Park Web Developer (Contractor)

  • Developed the redesign for Second City using Twitter Bootstrap for a custom Wordpress theme.
  • Created plugins that utilized 3rd party APIs to deliver real time show dates as well as class seminar availability & rates

javascript wordpress twbs

Feb 2013 - Mar 2014

Sony Sr Frontend Developer (Contractor)

  • Developed and maintained web properties for a variety of Sony properties (movies, tv, international & domestic portals)
  • Integrated analytics, authentication & social systems into sites via javascript

javascript React CI/CD Laravel jenkins Gitlab MySQL MongoDB

July 2012 - Jan 2013

Fox Digital Sr Frontend Developer (Contractor)

Part of the frontend team that developed the XFactor & America Idol portal utilizing a new custom “central web application”. Specifically responsible for implementing a SSO login/registration system which integrated with several 3rd party APIs( Gigya, Livefyre, Crowdtwist). Additionally was responsible for implementing a real time Twitter hangout for special guest to interact with fans on a weekly basis.

javascript Alfresco Crowdtwist MongoDB SSO

Nov 2011 - May 2012

CSULB Web Developer(Contractor)

Sole developer for the “How to get to College” website that utilized Wordpress & WAI Compliancy to promote the STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) initiative to first generation prospective college students.

Wordpress HTML CSS php

July 2007 - Jan 2021

NPGenX Principle/Contractor

Predominantly focused on delivering complete websites leveraging the Wordpress framework for the SMB marketplace

javascript nodeJS php(Laravel, Symphony) MySQL Postgres Bootstrap Foundation Angular React Redux Docker Google Cloud Platform Amazon Web Services

additional experience available upon request


Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering (minor in Biology) at UCLA (1994)